About FECA
The Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) is a vital program that provides significant benefits to federal civilian employees who have sustained work-related injuries or illnesses. It’s administered by the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) within the U.S. Department of Labor. Here’s a summary of its key features:
- Applies to all civilian employees of the U.S. government, including temporary and part-time workers.
- Covers injuries and illnesses arising from on-the-job accidents, occupational hazards, or exposure to harmful substances.
- Can also cover mental health conditions caused by work-related stress or trauma.
- Medical expenses: Covered by FECA, regardless of fault or negligence. Employees have choice of Plano weight loss medical providers within a reasonable geographic area.
- Wage replacement: Compensation payments for lost wages due to disability, ranging from 66 2/3% of monthly pay for total disability to partial amounts for lesser disabilities.
- Vocational rehabilitation: Assistance for injured federal workers to return to suitable employment within the federal government.
- Disability benefits: Long-term payments for permanent disabilities.
- Survivors’ benefits: Payments to eligible dependents of employees who die from work-related causes.
- Employees must report any work-related injury or illness to their supervisors within 30 days.
- Claims are filed with the OWCP, which investigates and makes determinations on eligibility and benefits.
- Appeals process available if employees disagree with OWCP decisions.
Additional resources:
- OWCP FECA website: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/owcp/FECA/regs/compliance/infoinjuredwrkers
- Benefits.gov description: https://www.benefits.gov/benefit/564
- FECA Frequently Asked Questions: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/owcp/FECA/fec-faq
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